Welcome to Norton Bridge

Norton Bridge Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd is private limited liability company registered in Sri Lanka founded in year 2013.

At its establishment, the company secured and consolidated a diversified areas of product & service portfolios. The company now plays an active role in stimulating and guiding the development of its constituent activities, established entities and specialists in their own fields. Focused investments are carried out directly or via the holding company across a wide range of industries and asset classes, including exports of fresh produce food stuffs, spices & value added teas and coffee including organic infusions and energy drinks, coconuts and related by products....


what we can do for you

Norton Bridge Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd maintains close relationships with existing investment structures, funds, and asset managers, and is perpetually devoting efforts to developing its networks in order to identify appropriate investment opportunities.

Norton Bridge Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd is a premier company investing in various sectors including Clothing, Real Estate, Power Generation (Solar & Hydro), IT services, Healthcare, Electro mechanical, Auryeda,Water, Sewage and property development etc.


Norton Bridge Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd maintains close relationships with existing investment structures, funds, and asset managers, and is perpetually devoting efforts to developing its networks in order to identify appropriate investment opportunities.

Pharma and PPE

PPE industry to supplier of Covid Vaccines and most other drugs and treatments, teaming up with similar entities around the globe for fast, reliable & secure trading platform working with some of the leading manufacturing facilities both in Pharma and PPE.


NORTON BRIDGE Group is continuously exploring and evaluating business opportunities and endeavoring to expand all of its business vertically and horizontally. The virtual head-quarter of the company is in Sri Lanka and plans to have regional offices in HK & UAE


Norton Bridge Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd is a premier company investing in various sectors including Clothing, Real Estate, Power Generation (Solar & Hydro), IT services, Healthcare, Electro mechanical, Auryeda,Water, Sewage and property development etc.

The company's vision is simple to invest through the strategy of:

  • Focusing on core growth and value added industry sectors
  • Investing in high performance companies with leading brands
  • Maintaining a longer - term investment approach
  • Extracting value from undervalued or underperforming assets
  • Maximizing Stake Holders experience , investment experience and international network of contacts
  • Exploration of selective green field and value-added investment opportunities.
  • Commercial acquisitions of successful businesses opportunities.
  • Collaborations through strategic partnerships and alliances.

Covid-19 Vaccine, PPE, Covid Passport Medical Services

Meet our experts for any kind of discussion

NORTON BRIDGE exploding global demand of Covid-19 Vaccines (PFIZER, MODERNA, JOHNSON & JOHNSON, SINCOPHAM / SINOVAC, SPUTNIK V, COVAXINE), Amphotericin- B Liosomal and Vaccine Passport has escorted a great need to establish a "Centre of Excellence" that not only caters to the increasing demand for Covid-19 Pandemic treatment & services including other diseases like cancer, heart and Diabetic treatment etc.

  • We wish to lead in providing Covid related health care solutions in Sri Lanka.
  • Lead in introducing the very latest global healthcare solution providers by working closely with manufacturers and organizations who offer diagnostics and medical treatments & services.
  • Hospital Medicare equipment’s 

What We Do

NORTON BRIDGE Group portfolio was gradually built up within a few selected industries. The entry into each new industry was carefully considered and often structured to take advantage of NORTON BRIDGE unique access and credibility both locally and regionally.


NORTON BRIDGE with Exports trade as one of their core businesses commenced its primary activity in specializing in the exports of fresh produce from Sri Lanka.


Project Management

NORTON BRIDGE Group provides a Project Management service to cover a range of different premises related issues from engineering projects to office moves...


Project Consultancy

NORTON BRIDGE have extensive knowledge and experience providing project investment consultancy services for potential foreign investments in medium and ....


Investment & Trading

NORTON BRIDGE investment activities are deployed in support of a coherent long-term strategy and include operational investments in the construction sector, ...


Medical & Pharmaceutical

NORTON BRIDGE Groups latest entry is in to the Medical & pharmaceutical industry. With plans to enter as a new player in the field the company plans to expand it ...



At NORTON BRIDGE we operate across the entire hydrocarbon value chain, through a network of fully integrated companies with interests ranging from exploration,...


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